Wow! How quickly our lives have been turned upside down! I cannot even begin to fathom how everyone is doing right now. I don’t even know where to begin. I do know that it is more important than ever to look for the good. To look for the rainbows and keep our eyes on the positive things. It has been so uplifting to see how everyone is coming together to make this better for everyone. From companies changing their direction to provide needed products all the way to children writing words of encouragement on their sidewalks to brighten someone’s day. We are in this together. One team!

Today my family has plans to stay home, play games, read, cook and take a walk or a bike ride around our neighborhood. It is not an eventful day but it is a good day because we are here, we are safe and we are together. We are fortunate to be able to stay home and keep our family safe. The one thing that I cannot get out of my head is the people who ARE working. Those who walk out their doors in the morning knowing there is an invisible risk out there. One that they do not know if they are bringing home. I have heard stories of healthcare workers living in tents in their garages to keep themselves away from their families. Other essential workers stripping their clothes off before entering their homes for fear of bringing it into their homes. Everyday they face that battle because we need them and my heart is breaking thinking of them.

There are so many that we need. From the healthcare workers on the front lines all the way to the employees at the toilet paper factories. These people are keeping our world running and I just want to thank them. Many of these people are often forgotten and unappreciated but right now we are having a chance to see how much we really need them. They are all so important to our everyday lives.

As a non-essential business I am not open right now but I am determined to use my voice and my services for good. I am a helper and this is my way to spread gratitude and appreciation to those who are keeping our world running. Over the next month I will be taking nominations of essential workers who you think deserve a thank you and a gift for their service. During this month I will be sharing some of those stories on my Facebook and Instagram pages and at the end of the month I will place ALL the nominations in a hat and choose 10 people to receive a free session with digital images included to take place AFTER business restrictions are lifted.

To nominate an essential worker please email Include their name, their job, a little bit about them and why you think they deserve a free session, your email address and their email address or phone number.